What is coming Spring 2017!


9E7E82E5-071B-422E-B8EA-AAA0ED0BAC75 2On February 12th Waterline celebrated its 6th birthday with having everyone no matter how old or young to invited their friends to this special event. The kids were so excited to invite their friends and we even got them special invites! Every week they listed off who they would love to invite and it was a great time to teach them about the importance of inviting their friends to church! We had 15 total new kids and 40 adults on Friend Day! The truth is everyday is FRIEND DAY at Waterline! So how can you continue to encourage your children to invite their friends?


  1. Be an example: your kids are watching you. If you are inviting your friends, they will want to too. They will see the importance because it is important to you!
  2. Be willing to go the distance: whether you need to reach out to the kid’s parents or fill a van full of kids to bring on Sunday morning. Show your kids you will do what it takes to make sure their friend knows who Jesus is.
  3. Pray with your kids about their friends. Talk to them about who they would like to bring and pray with them about how they could invite them and for them to experience Jesus in their life



Lifegroup for High School Students! Students 9th-12th Grade meet Tuesday nights at 7pm in the Waterline Office. They spend time playing fun games, making new friends and growing in their spiritual journey.


What your babies- 8th grade will be learning these next two months!


Infants/Toddlers/Preschool: This month, we’re working to build into kids a love for 1703_FB-header_01-768x285others. Imagine with me, for a moment, a world filled with men and women who love others the way Jesus loves us. That’s what we want for our preschoolers.

17Mar_Standard_ThemeElementary: Since we are created in God’s image, we have the ability to offer forgiveness when people in our lives hurt us. God’s love in us makes it possible for us to forgive others and work towards fixing our own relationships that break down from time to time. Jesus made it possible for us to have God’s forgiveness.

NXTGEN: As we do, we just might find that unnamedGod’s inviting us to stop avoiding and escaping hard times, and instead, face our troubles head-on. And maybe we’ll see that through our struggles, God builds our character, provides us with comfort, and calls us to share that comfort with others.



1704_theme_art-01Infants/Toddlers/Preschool: We get to tell them the true story of how much God loves them and how He gave them His only Son. We get to tell them that Jesus is alive, and He wants to be their friend forever. We have one of the best jobs in the world! We get to share with preschoolers that Jesus is the best! What an honor and a privilege.


Elementary: Yet so often, we act like we are 17Apr_Standard_ThemeGod. We allow our pride to take over and forget that any of our strengths or accomplishments would not exist without God. The only proper response in light of God’s greatness is to respond with humility in our interactions with the people around us. Jesus is the ultimate example of humility.

MainSlide_StrengthInNumbers_XP3MSNXTGEN: whether you have a huge group of friends or just one BFF, they can have a huge impact on who you are now and who you become later. Our group can sway us toward good decisions . . . or bad ones. There’s a lot of influence in who we hang out with, including our friends and people we look to for guidance. And there can be a lot of pain when a friendship ends. Perhaps that’s why the Bible has so much to say about these topics. As we look to the Bible for advice, we’ll discover how we should choose our friends and mentors, and how we should handle those friendships that fade over time.


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